Those in the hair-dying-know often ask how I get it so.... pink! They also ask how long it lasts. Thats because if you have ever entered the world of uber-bright hair dying you will know that it's tricky getting a vibrant colour, but its even trickier getting it to last beyond a couple of washes! Not me. My neon pink stays shockingly bright for about 5 weeks, and thats including lots of shampoo-ing, swimming in dams, and other hair-colour abusive behaviours!
After those 5 weeks are up its time to colour the re-growth and refresh the rest with a new sploge of dye!
So I have decided to share the bright-colour love and we are now stocking a very limited range of Special Effects hair colours. This brand is the BOMB! I use 'Atomic Pink' and one bottle of this will last me 2 dying sessions it's so strong (AND it glows in UV light, how cool is that!?) Usually I buy my colour in from the USA as its not readily available in Australia, but now we are stocking a small range of colour instore.
We currently have in stock Wildflower, Blue Haired Freak, Purple Smoke, Sonic Green, Limelight and Hot Lava. Get it while it's hot! Seriously, this stuff is magic in a bottle!
Steph xxx