O Belle and Sebastian I do love you! For the last 10 years or so I have had an absolute and lasting music-crush on the band. My partner Duane always jokes that I like any music with whistling and clapping in it. He calls it 'Kids Music'. And it's true, I love whistling, and clapping, and I can add bagpipes to that list too.
I think, that there is something to this theory of 'kids music', it's not that the tunes I am drawn to are childish, it's that there is some child-like innocence to the music I love the most.They are songs about being different, an oddball, a misfit, but expressed with such a quiet kind of joy, an audio statement that although...yes... life can be poo, its is also inexplicably beautiful.
So last night I got to see my favourite band live once again. It's been several years since they last came to the country and I couldn't help but notice how differently I felt this time around.
I didn't have THAT feeling.
Do you know THAT feeling? It's the one I sometimes get when I listen to music. It's a yearning for something... but you have no idea what. It's a longing for something slightly out of reach. I felt it last time, but not last night. Last night I just felt centred and ... well.... slightly old. I mean, you gotta be getting old when you get told off for talking at a concert right? Concerts are for screaming, and leaping around, and singing out loud and dancing like a fool.
I was very late and missed the first half of the set, I got trapped in Southbank by closed roads, and when I finally made it, I got told off for talking too loudly by a 19yr old hipster who probably first heard of the band 2 months ago. But none of it mattered.This time I got to dance to my all-time fave song played live. I had a pleasant and easy conversation about important stuff with a couple of really nice friends I am enjoying a renewed connection with, and then I drove home to my cozy, sleeping household and dreamed of skating at roller-disco at The Forum, to a live Belle and Sebastian gig. Heaven.