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Friday, January 28, 2011

Able and shamed

Have you been to Portal 108 in Hepburn? Its a great store, with seriously ace things owned by 2 seriously ace chicks with great taste. And their latest blog post links in really well with my last... and it makes me feel a teensy bit ashamed!
Entitled "you're only as cool as your last blog entry" I quote....
" So, when people say they don't like certain blogs because they are trying to sell stuff or dangle carrots in front of their audience of the latest big thing, I say, pfffftttt.  I make no excuse for the fact that sometimes my blog is about random stuff in my life, and sometimes, it's showing people new stuff in the shop.  It is what it is."
Eeep! I Oh dearie, she's right... I take it all back!... sorry Connie!
So now Im going to shamelessly blog about my latest fave thing in the emporium, our new stash of ace stuff by Able and Game. Their cards crack me up every time! I had so much fun unpacking their order yesterday... 
 What a hoot.....
...... Awww
....and my all-time fave!