At last. Spring is in the air and it's bringing a spring to my step along with it.
We are still having our fair share of cool, rainy days but with the occasional beauty thrown in the mix I'm not complaining.
Our chilly town is defrosting and coming out of hibernation and so am I.
This past weekend has been full of all stages of the gardening process, sowing seed, potting-on seedlings, fertilising veggie patches and preparing to build window boxes.
As well as that I have been building the mother of all display cabinets for the many little bits and pieces of vintage and antiques I love... I can't wait to share some pics but I'm saving them until the process is finished.

It's not only the garden which is enjoying some long planned invigoration but this weekend we had a huge day of Spring cleaning at home too. Little by little my dinky house is feeling fresher and cleaner and prettier. One project at a time, each DIY getting me closer to the vision of loveliness I know this quirky little home has been hiding under years of neglect.