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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Learning to slow down

It has been all go here at our bricks and mortar store the past few weeks. I have been BUSY and am still in that slightly manic head space of lists of things to do and projects to complete.
We have officially moved shops and are now inhabiting the shop next door to the original Red Brick Gallery  at 216 Skipton St, Ballarat. This new, lighter, fresher space is now home to the 'new and improved' Red Brick.

We have been working late into the evenings to renovate the new space, painting and plastering, writing signage, re-covering the awning, making shelves and finding new homes for stuff in the store room.
 But finally we are there, the new exhibition is installed, the shop is all in place and it's been a busy weekend trading.

There's still lots to be done behind the scenes (you don't want to see the disaster zone in the back rooms) but I am officially exhausted.

I came back from my overseas trip with a fresh perspective that I'm having problems implementing... I have soooo many projects, ideas and DIY's that I want to achieve. So many home and business improvements I want to make. When I think about how I would like my business to be, for my home to look, for my garden to thrive, there is always so much WORK to be done that its makes me feel.... Unproductive. Unsuccessful.

 I have realised that I spend waaay too much of life worrying about the NEXT thing to be done, too much time spent looking ahead thinking about the next job, what's still to be achieved. There is no room in my head for acknowledging and celebrating my achievements thus far and this is no good. I need to sit back, relax and pat myself a little on the back.

So that's what I'm going to do this week.... once I have put up those shelves, installed the washing machine, painted another coat of paint of the bathroom floor, planted some seeds, fertilised the garden, taken a load to the tip, hung the door, made some window boxes and sorted out my studio. Hahaha.