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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

No Comment?

A couple of friends have recently asked me why they couldn't comment on this blog. To cut a long story short I removed the ability to post comments when I did a blog makeover. for a couple of reasons and none of them are because I don't care what you have to say... Cereally!
First up, I'm going to admit the depressing truth. I'm fessing up that it is not because I'm popular, it's certainly not because I got waaay too many comments to handle, far from it.
In fact I very rarely got lucky enough to get receive comments on my posts. Awww... poor me, it's a hard life huh?
Once I finished feeling sorry for myself I realised that there are LOTS of blogs out there that I read regularly that don't get comments either... I mean, even blogs with a SERIOUS readership (like gazillions of readers!) seemed to be experiencing less comments. 
Was this like a trend or something? Are we as a blogging community getting less 'commenty' are we feeling the need to respond less and just observe and take internal notes more? Now I know this isn't true across the board... my friend Kate at Foxs Lane gets a whole heap o' comments... she has comments coming outta her ears and is herself a queen of commenting. But generally I'm sensing a decline in commentarama. Yup. I did just make that word up. And I'm sticking to it.
I decided that instead of seeing that comment-less post and getting down about it I was going to go with the flow and write and blog for MYSELF. Like a loner in the school yard I was just gonna do my own thing regardless of readership, and comments, and stuff that all the popular kids had going on. I was going to make a blogazine, with magazine-esque pages of inspiring content and DIY's. A creative space for all types of readers including non-bloggers to absorb and go forth feeling confident to give a new project a go! 
So I dove into my html, and, like the rebel I am, deleted the ability to comment on this blog. No, I can't remember how I did it, and no, I certainly can't recall how to re-activate it. Big Ooops.
But never mind, I'm all over this social networking thingy like a rash, each of these posts and much more commenty goodness appears on our Facebook page every day and I more than welcome your thoughts over there! Why not come visit me in the Facey hood? We can hang and 'like' things together!